Nam Vang noodle soup is the best pho among all kinds of Vietnamese Pho in Pho L’amour Cafe Restaurant. It’s a dish originating from Cambodia, but in the 1970s, it was introduced to the people of Saigon by Vietnamese people in Cambodia’s returned hometown. And since then, this dish has appeared on the map of Vietnamese cuisine.
The original Nam Vang noodle soup has only lean pork and minced meat, vegetables only served with lettuce and bean sprouts. Coming to Vietnam, the source of ingredients became richer with dishes such as shrimp, pork liver, quail eggs… Let’s visit L’amour to taste delicious pho in milwaukee.
Welcome to Pho L’amour Cafe!
Website :
Fanpage: Pho L’amourcafe
Address: 16960 W. Greenfield Ave suite 2 Brookfield WI 53005
Open: 10:30 – 20:30
Hotline: 2622028018 or 4142490402 (Whatsap- Viber)
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