P4 Pho Well-done Brisket is one of the most famous dishes in Pho L’amour Cafe. Brisket Beef is tender and has a complete texture.
The broth is wealthy, combined with lettuce and herbs to balance the flavor. If you want to know the true taste of Vietnamese Pho dishes. Let’s taste the excellent dish now. Welcome to Pho L’amour Cafe and enjoin Vietnamese Pho in Milwaukee!
Welcome to Pho L’amour Cafe!
Website : https://pholamourcafe.com
Fanpage: Pho L’amourcafe
Address: 16960 W. Greenfield Ave suite 2 Brookfield WI 53005
Open: 10:30 – 20:30
Hotline: 2622028018 or 4142490402 (Whatsap- Viber)
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