Rice is an indispensable dish in every Asian meal. Rice provides a lot of nutrients such as carbohydrates, and fiber, Vitamins, Calcium, Riboflavin, Thiamine… Your body will be provided with a large amount of energy, helping you to always be full of vitality, have enough energy to work comfortably throughout the day.
At Pho L’amour Cafe –
Asian restaurant in Milwaukee, you can find Asian-style rice dishes with special processing to keep the exact flavor. List of rice dishes at Pho L’amour:
– Clay Pot Rice
– Stir Fry Broccoli
– Lemongrass Chicken
– Sweet and Sour Chicken
– Grilled Pork
– Teriyaki Chicken
– Lemonglass Pork Chop
– Black Pepper and Salty Chicken
– Kung Pao Peanut Chicken/Shrimp
– Crispy Roasted Chicken